Aptitude Questions and answers

  1. Aptitude
    1. Compound interest
    2. Boat and Stream
    3. Trains
    4. Percentage
    5. Discount
    6. Mixture and Allegation
    7. Unitary Method
    8. Work and Wages
    9. Pipes and Cisterns
    10. Linear Equations
    11. Approximation
    12. Word problems
    13. Number System
    14. Time and Distance
    15. Average
    16. Ratio and Proportions
    17. Profit and Loss
    18. Partnership
    19. Permutation and combination
    20. Probability
    21. Problem on ages
    22. Time and work
    23. Simple and compound interest
    24. Mensuration
    25. Number series
81). How many different triangles are there for which the length of the sides are 3.8, and n, where n is an integer and 3 < n < 8 ?
A). Two
B). Three
C). Four
D). Five
82). The speed of boat A in still water is 2 km/h less than the speed of the boat B in still water. The time taken by boat A to travel a distance of 20km downstream is 30 minutes more than time taken by boat B to travel the same distance downstream. If the speed of the current is \( \Large \frac{1}{3} \)rd of the speed of the boat A in still water, what is the speed of boat B ? (km/h)
A). 4
B). 6
C). 12
D). 8
83). A boat can travel 12.6 km downstream in 35 minutes. If the speed of the water current is \( \Large \frac{1}{4} \)th the speed of the boat in still water, what distance (in km) can the boat travel upstream in 28 minutes ?
A). 7
B). 7.5
C). 8.5
D). 6
84). A boat can travel 12.8 km downstream in 32 minutes. If the speed of the water current is \( \Large \frac{1}{5} \)th of the speed of the boat in still water, what distance (in km) the boat can travel upstream 135 minutes?
A). 27.5
B). 10.2
C). 28.5
D). 36
85). The sides of a quadrilateral are extended to make the angles as shown below. What is the value of x ?
A). \( \Large 100^{\circ} \)
B). \( \Large 90^{\circ} \)
C). \( \Large 80^{\circ} \)
D). \( \Large 75^{\circ} \)

86). What is the area of the region in the cartesian plane whose points (x, y) satisfy \( \Large |x| + |y| + |x + y| \leq 2 \) ?
A). 2.5
B). 3
C). 2
D). 4
87). From a horizontal distance of 50 m, the angles of elevation of the top and the bottom of a vertical cliff face are \( \Large 45^{\circ} \) and \( \Large 30^{\circ} \) respectively. The height of the cliff face (in m) is
A). \( \Large \frac{50}{\sqrt{3}} \)
B). \( \Large \frac{50}{\sqrt{2}} \)
C). \( \Large \frac{50}{2\sqrt{3}} \)
D). \( \Large 50 (1 - \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}) \)
88). If \( \Large G = H + \sqrt{\frac{4}{L}} \), then L equals
A). \( \Large \frac{4}{(G - H)^{2}} \)
B). \( \Large 4 (G - H)^{2} \)
C). \( \Large \frac{4}{G^{2} - H^{2}} \)
D). \( \Large 4 (G^{2} - H)^{2} \)
89). If \( \Large \frac{1}{x} = \frac{1}{y} + \frac{1}{z} \), then z equals
A). \( \Large \frac{xy}{(x - y)} \)
B). \( \Large x - y \)
C). \( \Large \frac{xy}{(y - x)} \)
D). \( \Large \frac{(x - y)}{xy} \)
90). If (x - 3) (2x + 1) = 0, then possible value of 2x + 1 are -
A). Only 0
B). 0 and 3
C). \( \Large - \frac{1}{2} \) and 3
D). 0 and 7
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