The sides of a quadrilateral are extended to make the angles as shown below. What is the value of x ?

A) \( \Large 100^{\circ} \)

B) \( \Large 90^{\circ} \)

C) \( \Large 80^{\circ} \)

D) \( \Large 75^{\circ} \)

Correct Answer:
C) \( \Large 80^{\circ} \)

Description for Correct answer:
We know that sum of all the interior angles of the polygon is \( \Large 360^{\circ} \)

\( \Large \therefore (180^{\circ} - x) + 105^{\circ} + 65^{\circ} + 90^{\circ} = 360^{\circ} \)

=> \( \Large x = 80^{\circ} \)

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