Articles of Constitution Questions and answers

  1. General Knowledge
    1. Culture
    2. Economy
    3. Geography
    4. History
    5. Politics
    6. General
    7. Indian Polity
      1. Indian Constitution
      2. Preamble
      3. Citizenship
      4. Articles of Constitution
      5. The Union Executive
      6. The Union Legislature
      7. The Judiciary
      8. The State Executive
      9. Indian Federalism
      10. Assertion and Reasoning
    8. Sports
31). How many articles and schedules were there present in the original constitution of India?
A). 395 and 10
B). 395 and 8
C). 404 and 10
D). 404 and 8
32). Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions is enshrined in the
constitution of India under:

A). Article 20
B). Article 22
C). Article 29
D). Article 30
33). Which of the following Article debars person from being citizens of India who voluntarily
acquire citizenship of another country?

A). Article 5
B). Article 6
C). Article 8
D). Article 9
34). Which Article of Indian Constitution prescribes Hindi in Devanagari script as the official
language of the Union?

A). 341
B). 342
C). 343
D). 346
35). Which of the following Articles of Indian Constitution guarantees equal opportunities in
public employment to persons belonging to SCI ST and the other minority communities?

A). Article 14
B). Article 15
C). Article 16
D). Article 27

36). Which of the following parts is described as heart and soul of the constitution of India?
A). Part-II
B). Part-III
C). Part-IV
D). Part-V
37). Part V of the Constitution deals with:
I. Union Executive
II. Parliament
III. Supreme Court and High Courts
IV. Comptroller and Auditor-General

A). I and III
B). I, II and III
C). I and IV
D). I, II and IV
38). Provisions of the Constitution relating to the administration of scheduled areas and tribes
in Schedule V :

A). may be altered by the Governor
B). cannot be altered
C). may be altered by Parliament by ordinary legislation
D). may be altered by Parliament by amendment requiring two-thirds majority
39). Provisions of having a UPSC and Public Service Commission for States are enshrined in :
A). Part XIV, Chapter II, Articles 315-324
B). Part XIV, Chapter I, Articles 308-323
C). Part XIV, Chapter II, Articles 315-323
D). Part XIV, Chapter I, Articles 308-318
40). Match the following:
Articles   Provisions
A. 19(1) (a)   1. Right to reside and settle in any part of the country
B. 19(1) (c)   2. Right to form associations or unions
C. 19(1) (e)   3. Freedom of speech and expression
D. 19(1) (g)   4. Right to practice any profession, or carry on any occupation, business or trade

Below codes are given in A B C D order

A). 3 1 4 2
B). 1 2 4 3
C). 3 1 2 4
D). 3 2 1 4
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