Citizenship Questions and answers

  1. General Knowledge
    1. Culture
    2. Economy
    3. Geography
    4. History
    5. Politics
    6. General
    7. Indian Polity
      1. Indian Constitution
      2. Preamble
      3. Citizenship
      4. Articles of Constitution
      5. The Union Executive
      6. The Union Legislature
      7. The Judiciary
      8. The State Executive
      9. Indian Federalism
      10. Assertion and Reasoning
    8. Sports
71). Which of the following is not a condition for becoming a citizen of India?
A). Descent
B). Birth
C). Acquiring property
D). Naturalisation
72). Which one among the following has the power to regulate the right of citizenship in India?
A). The Union Cabinet
B). The Parliament
C). The Supreme Court
D). The Law Commission
73). Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship?
A). Parliament
B). State Legislatures
C). President
D). Attorney General
74). Which of the following statements regarding the acquisition of Indian citizenship is correct?
A). If citizenship is to be acquired by registration, six months residence in India is essential.
B). If citizenship is to be acquired by naturalisation the person concerned must have resided in India for 5 years.
C). If born in India, only that person can acquire citizenship at least one of whose parents is an Indian.
D). Rules regarding the citizenship of India shall not be applicable to Jammu and Kashmir.
75). According to the Citizenship Act, 1955, Indian citizenship cannot be acquired by:
A). incorporation of territory not forming part of India at the commencement of the Constitution
B). children of the diplomatic personnel or alien enemies born in India on or after 26th January, 1950
C). children born of Indian citizens abroad
D). naturalization

76). Citizenship provisions are enshrined in the Constitution in :
A). Part IV 36-51A
B). Part II,Articles 5-11
C). Part II, Articles 5-8A
D). Part I,Articles 1-4
77). Which of the following Articles describes about the person voluntarily acquiring citizenship
of a foreign state not to be citizens?

A). Article 5
B). Article 7
C). Article 8
D). Article 9
78). Article 6 enshrines the provision conferring Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan. Which one of the following provisions is incorrect?
A). He or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was born in India as defined in the Government of India Act, 1935
B). Such person has so migrated before 19 July, 1948
C). Such person has so migrated on or after the 19 July, 1948, he has been registered as a citizen
D). Such person has got married in India
79). Details on how citizenship may be acquired and terminated are enumerated in:
A). Part II of the Constitution
B). the Citizenship Act, 1955
C). Schedule I of the Constitution
D). various enactments by Parliament
80). Indian citizenship of a person can be terminated if:
I. a person voluntarily acquires the citizenship of some other country.
II. a person who has become a citizen through registration is sentenced to imprisonment for not less than 10 years within five years of his registration.
III. the Government of India is satisfied that citizenship was obtained by fraud.
IV. a person who is a citizen by birth indulges in trade with an enemy country during war.

A). I and III
B). I, II and III
C). I, III and IV
D). I, II, III and IV
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