Statistics Questions and answers

  1. Elementary Mathematics
    1. Quadratic Equations
    2. Simplification
    3. Area and perimeter
    4. Volume and surface area
    5. Geometry
    6. Trigonometry
    7. Polynomials
    8. Height and Distance
    9. Simple and Decimal fraction
    10. Indices and Surd
    11. Logarithms
    12. Trigonometric ratio
    13. Straight lines
    14. Triangle
    15. Circles
    16. Quadrilateral and parallelogram
    17. Loci and concurrency
    18. Statistics
    19. Rectangular and Cartesian products
    20. Rational expression
    21. Set theory
    22. Factorisation
    23. LCM and HCF
    24. Clocks
    25. Real Analysis
61). The sum of deviation taken from Arithmetic mean is
A). 2
B). 0
C). 4
D). 5
62). The arithmetic mean of 21, 30, 33, 64 is
A). 35
B). 28
C). 37
D). 42
63). In a symmetrical distribution
A). Mean > Median > Mode
B). Mean < Median < Mode
C). Mean = Median = Mode
D). Mean > Median < Mode
64). The median of the first 42 natural numbers is
A). 21
B). 21.25
C). 21.5
D). 22
65). The mean and mode of the following set of values are
66, 65, 61, 65, 66 60, 65

A). 62 and 63
B). 63 and 64
C). 64 and 65
D). 62 and 65

66). Which two series of the following 3 series have the same mean
Series 1: 10 10 12 10 9 5 7
Series 2:. 8 5 9 10 12 10 10
Series 3: 9 5 12 9 12 6 10

A). series 1 and series 2
B). series 1 and series 3
C). series 2 and series 3
D). none of these
67). The mode of the following data is 2, 3, 5, 3, 7, 3, 5, 2, 7, 3
A). 5
B). 2
C). 3
D). 7
68). The prices of share during the seven days in a week are as
Price (in Rs.): 102 96 98 101 104 103 100
The Median value is

A). 104
B). 102
C). 101
D). 100
69). The range of the given 'n' values is
A). \( \Large \frac{1}{2} \) standard deviation
B). Maximum value-Mimmum value
C). Standard deviatlon/mean
D). None of these
70). Variance is
A). always negative
B). may be positive or negative
C). always positive
D). none of these
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