Culture Questions and answers

  1. General Knowledge
    1. Culture
    2. Economy
    3. Geography
    4. History
    5. Politics
    6. General
    7. Indian Polity
    8. Sports
21). Who is known as 'Grand old man of India'?
A). Mahatma Gandhi
B). Gopal Krishna Gokhale
C). Dadabhai Naoroji
D). Madan Mohan Malaviya
22). 'The Light of Asia' is written by:
A). Walpola Rahula
B). Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
C). Edwin Arnold
D). Jack Kornfield
23). Who was known as Iron man of India?
A). Govind Ballabh Pant
B). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
C). Jawaharlal Nehru
D). Subhash Chandra Bose
24). Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a renowned player of ______.
A). Flute
B). Sitar
C). Sarod
D). Tabla
25). Ms. Meera Sahib Fathima Beevi is distinguished as the first lady
A). Prime minister of Bangladesh
B). Judge of the High court
C). Judge of Supreme Court
D). Governor of a state

26). Hitendra Desai was famous in the field of ______
A). Social Service
B). Politics
C). Journalism
D). Literature
27). Which of the following languages has the largest number of speakers?
A). Spanish
B). English
C). Mandarin
D). Arabic
28). Mandarin is mostly spoken in:
A). China, Tiwan, Singapore
B). Mexico, Argentina, Panama
C). Russia, Turkey, Chechniya
D). China, Japan, Malaysia
29). The second major language (as per the number of speakers) in the world is:
A). English
B). Spanish
C). Hindi
D). Arabic
30). Hindi is the ____ largest speaking language in the world.
A). Third
B). Fourth
C). Fifth
D). Ninth
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