General Science Questions and answers

  1. General Science
    1. Assertions and Reasons
    2. Biology
    3. Chemistry
    4. Physics
    5. Inventions
71). Consider the following statements
1. Golden rice is vitamin-A rich.
2. Replacement of faulty gene by normal gene is called gene therapy.
3. Transgenic organism carrying introduced foreign gene also called genetically modified organism.
Which of the statements given above are true?

A). 1 and 2
B). 2 and 3
C). 1 and 3
D). 1, 2 and 3
72). Consider the following statements
1. Monoclonal antibodies produced in lab by hybridoma technology.
2. Hybridoma technology invented by Kohler and Milstein.
3. Hybridoma formed by mixing myeloma (cancerous) cells and B-lymphocytes.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

A). 1, 2 and 3
B). 1 and 2
C). Only 2
D). Only 1
73). Study the following statements
1. Restriction endonucleases (molecular scissors) are discovered by Nathan and Smith.
2. Restriction endonucleases are used to cut plasmid and foreign DNA.
3. Plasmids are vectors or vehicles in gene transfer.
4. Recombinant DNA technology given by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

A). 1, 2, 3 and 4
B). 2, 3 and 4
C). 1, 2 and 3
D). None of these
74). Assertion (A) Vector is very useful in recombinant DNA technology.
A). Reason (R) Vector is a tool that carries a foreign DNA molecule to the living cell.
B). Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
C). Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
D). A is true, but R is false (d) A is false, but R is true
75). Consider the following statements
1. Antibiotic resistance in microorganisms present in alimentary canal.
2. Allergic reaction.
3. Toxicity
Which of the above risk(s) is/are associated with genetically modified food?

A). Only 1
B). Only 2
C). 1 and 2
D). 1, 2 and 3

76). Plasminogen activator or enzyme TPA is used for
A). stimulating thromboplastin production
B). clearing turbidity of juices
C). maintaining plasma content
D). dissolving blood clots
77). Consider the following statements about world's first cloned pashmina goat
1. Noori is the world's first cloned Pashmina goat.
2. It was developed by the scientists at the Sher-e-kashmir Agriculture University for Science and Technology on March 9, 2012.
Which of the following statement(s) given above is/are correct?

A). Only 1
B). Only 2
C). 1 and 2
D). Neither 1 or 2
78). The Government of India has recently made it mandatory for oil marketing companies to blend 5% ethanol with petrol. Which of the following is/are the likely consequence/ consequences of the policy?
1. Lower India's dependence on fossil oil.
2. Reduce fuel import bill.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

A). Only 1
B). Only 2
C). Both 1 and 2
D). Neither 1 nor 2
79). At present, scientists can determine the arrangement or relative positions of genes or DNA sequences on a chromosome. How does this knowledge benefit us?
1. It is possible to know the pedigree of livestock.
2. It is possible to understand the causes of all human diseases.
3. It is possible to develop disease resistant animal breeds.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

A). 1 and 2
B). Only 2
C). 1 and 3
D). 1, 2 and 3
80). Researchers are manufacturing Genetically Modified (GM) fungi to produce
A). cheaper biofuel
B). Generic drug for treatment of cancer
C). Food supplement
D). Edible oil
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