The sum of two numbers is 506. If the second number is 5/18th of the first number. What is the difference between the 4/9 of the first number and 2/11 of the second number ?

A) 162

B) 156

C) 140

D) 136

E) 180

Correct answer:
B) 156

Description for Correct answer:
Let the first number be x.

Thereforer, second number = \( \frac{15}{18}x \)

According to question,

\( x + \frac{5}{18} = 506 \)

\( \frac{23}{18}x = 506 \)

\( x = 396 \)

Therefore, sercond number = 110

Required difference = \( \frac{4}{9} \times 396 - \frac{2}{11} \times 110 \)

\( = 176 - 20 = 156 \)

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