Directions (32-36) : In these questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option.
Give answer :
(1) \( x \le y \)
(2) \( x \ge y \)
(3) Relationship between X and y cannot be established
(4) x < y
(5) x > y 

I.\( 3x^{2} - 13x +12 = 0 \)
II. \( 3y^{2} - 13y +14 = 0 \)

A) \( x \le y \)

B) \( x \ge y \)

C) Relationship between X and y cannot be established

D) x < y

E) x > y

Correct answer:
C) Relationship between X and y cannot be established

Description for Correct answer:
I. \( \large 3x^{2} - 13x +12 = 0 \)

\( \large 3x^{2} - 9x - 4x +12 = 0 \)

\( \large 3x(x - 3) - 4(x - 3) = 0 \)

\( \large (x - 3)(3x - 4) = 0 \)

X = \( \large \frac{4}{3},3 \)

II. \( \large 3y^{2} - 13y + 14 = 0 \)

\( \large 3y^{2} - 7y - 6y + 14 =0 \)

\( \large y(3y - 7) - 2(3y - 7) = 0 \)

\( \large(3y - 7)(y-2) = 0 \)

\( \large y = 2,\frac{7}{3} \)

Relationship cannot be established.

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