There are 7 pipes attached with a tank out of which some are inlets and some are outlets. Every inlet can fill the tank in 10 h and every outlet can empty the tank in 15 h. When all the pipes are opened simultaneously, the tank is filled up in \( \Large \Large 2\frac{8}{11} \) h. Find the numbers of inlets and outlets.

A) 5

B) 6.1

C) 4.3

D) 3.4

Correct answer:
A) 5

Description for Correct answer:
Let numbr of outlets be x.

Therefore, Number of inlets = \( \Large \left(7-x\right) \)

Timer taken to fill the tank when all the pipes are opened = \( \Large \frac{30}{11}h \)

Part of tank filled in 1 h when all the pipes are opened = \( \Large \frac{11}{30}h \)

According to the question,

\( \Large \frac{7-x}{10}-\frac{x}{15}=\frac{11}{30} \)

=> \( \Large \frac{3 \left(7-x\right)-2x}{30}=\frac{11}{30} \)

=> 21 - 3x - 2x = 11

=> 5x = 10

Therefore, x = 2

Hence, number of outlets = 2

and number of inlets = 7 - 2 = 5

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