20 men can build 56 m long wall in 6 days. What length of a similar wall can be built by 70 men in 3 days?

A) 100 m

B) 98 m

C) 48 m

D) 85 m

Correct answer:
B) 98 m

Description for Correct answer:
Let the required length be x m.

More men, More length (Direct proportion)

Less days, Less length (Direct proportion)

Men 20 : 70

:: 56 : x

Days 6 : 3

Therefore, \( \Large \left(20 \times 6 \times x\right) = \left(70 \times 3 \times 56\right) \)

\( \Large x = \frac{70 \times 3 \times 56}{20 \times 6} = 98\ m \)

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