Synonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
71). Find the correct synonym for the word - TRIP
A). Journey
B). Plant
C). Design
D). Press
72). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
She is a woman of sterling qualities.

A). Interesting
B). Genuine
C). Irritating
D). Exciting
73). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
Although the boys in his class were naughty, he never restored to corporal punishment.

A). Harsh
B). Physical
C). Unjust
D). General
74). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
He wanted to mitigate his burdens.

A). Lessen
B). Increase
C). Postpone
D). Leave
75). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
She adjusted quite well with her husband's idiosyncrasies.

A). Peculiar habits
B). Bad habits
C). Weaknesses
D). Stupid manners

76). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
The Deputy Inspector General made a perfunctory inspection of the police station.

A). Thorough and complete
B). Superficial
C). Done as a routine but without interest
D). Intensive
77). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
The decision to drop the atom bomb on Hiroshima was a grave one.

A). Serious
B). Momentous
C). Instinctive
D). Impulsive
78). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
A scientist generally carries out his investigations empirically.

A). Intuitively
B). Verbally
C). Through written communication
D). By observation and experiment
79). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
He is employed in an ordnance factory.

A). Orthodox
B). Arm and ammunition
C). Electrical and electronic
D). Ordinary and common
80). Find the correct synonym for the highlighted word
He is a sycophant who tries to win over politicians.

A). A Psychologist
B). An opportunist
C). An unscrupulous man
D). A flatterer
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