Synonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
91). Find the correct synonym for the word - BESEECH
A). Request
B). Overwhelm
C). Bless
D). Promise
92). Find the correct synonym for the word - STALEMATE
A). Degeneration
B). Deadlock
C). Exhaustion
D). Settlement
93). Find the correct synonym for the word - IMPROMPTU
A). Important
B). Impressive
C). Inspiring
D). Offhand
94). Find the correct synonym for the word - LUCRATIVE
A). Profitable
B). Important
C). Challenging
D). Worthwhile
95). Find the correct synonym for the word - FORTHRIGHT
A). Honest And Outspoken
B). Serious And Stubborn
C). Strong And Brave
D). Willing And Determined

96). Find the correct synonym for the word - REPRIMAND
A). Praise
B). Reminder
C). Rebuke
D). Reward
97). Find the correct synonym for the word - PUNCTILIOUS
A). Serious
B). Careful
C). Punctual
D). Hardworking
98). Find the correct synonym for the word - DISCREET
A). Mature
B). Intelligent
C). Clever
D). Prudent
99). Find the correct synonym for the word - MOMENTOUS
A). Time-Tested
B). Momentary
C). Very Important
D). Hectic
100). Find the correct synonym for the word - PORTEND
A). Profess
B). Portray
C). Think
D). Foreshadow
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