Synonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
11). Find the correct synonym for the word - BOMBAST
A). Enlarge
B). Exaggeration
C). Boost
D). Play
12). Find the correct synonym for the word - CASUAL
A). Accidental
B). Happen
C). Usual
D). Punctual
13). Find the correct synonym for the word - CATASTROPHE
A). Destruction
B). Waster
C). Crime
D). Disaster
14). Find the correct synonym for the word - CONTOUR
A). Outline
B). Deadline
C). End
D). Beginning
15). Find the correct synonym for the word - CONTRAST
A). Same
B). Difference
C). Union
D). Similar

16). Find the correct synonym for the word - DEFACE
A). Tarnish
B). Cancel
C). Diminish
D). Destructs
17). Find the correct synonym for the word - DELUGE
A). Safe
B). Water
C). Rain
D). Flood
18). Find the correct synonym for the word - ELOQUENCE
A). Oratory
B). Writer
C). Dancer
D). Best Speaker
19). Find the correct synonym for the word - ELUDE
A). Sage
B). Support
C). Foundation
D). Escape
20). Find the correct synonym for the word - EMIT
A). Change
B). Discharge
C). Worry
D). Courage
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