Synonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
31). Find the correct synonym for the word - FORBID
A). Stop
B). Dishallow
C). Deny
D). Ban
32). Find the correct synonym for the word - FORFEIT
A). Fine
B). Penalty
C). Reward
D). Recovery
33). Find the correct synonym for the word - FORMIDABLE
A). Defeat
B). Tremendous
C). Recent
D). Novel
34). Find the correct synonym - FRAGILE
A). Trouble
B). Discomfort
C). Breakable
D). Divert
35). Find the correct synonym for the word - FREAK
A). Normal
B). Abnormality
C). Poor
D). Intelligent

36). Find the correct synonym for the word - GIBE
A). Ridicule
B). Mock
C). Insanity
D). Brain Drain
37). Find the correct synonym for the word - GLEE
A). Happy
B). Joy
C). Enjoy
D). Cheerfulness
38). Find the correct synonym for the word - GLOSS
A). Bright
B). Hot
C). Shine
D). Light
39). Find the correct synonym for the word - GRAPPLE
A). Contend
B). Satisfaction
C). Willing
D). Agree
40). Find the correct synonym for the word - GRUESOME
A). Fear
B). Afraid
C). Appearance
D). Fearful
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