Antonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
121). Find the correct Antonym for DISCOUNT
A). Interest
B). Premium
C). Profit
D). Concession
122). Find the correct Antonym for VOLUNTARY
A). Ordered
B). Alternative
C). Compulsory
D). Essential
123). Find the correct Antonym for ORNERY
A). Straight-forward
B). Easy
C). Complex
D). Plain
124). Find the correct Antonym for ACUTE
A). Sharp
B). Critical
C). Dull
D). Sensitive
125). Find the correct Antonym for HAPPINESS
A). Contentment
B). Grief
C). Renunciation
D). Beatitude

126). Find the correct Antonym for ACQUITTED
A). Entrusted
B). Convicted
C). Burdened
D). Freed
127). Find the correct Antonym for PRIDE
A). Humility
B). Shame
C). Humbleness
D). Debasement
128). Find the correct Antonym for RETAIN
A). Reject
B). Renounce
C). Spare
D). Eject
129). Find the correct Antonym for ESCALATE
A). Lessen
B). Subside
C). Reduce
D). Heal
130). Find the correct Antonym for URBAN
A). Country-made
B). Pastoral
C). Provincial
D). Rural
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