Antonyms Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
111). Find the correct antonym for the word - PENCHANT
A). Like
B). Eagerness
C). Disability
D). Dislike
112). Find the correct antonym for the word - BARTER
A). Deal
B). Return
C). Lend
D). Exchange
113). Find the correct antonym for the word - DUBIOUS
A). Straight
B). Sincere
C). Zig Zag
D). Doubtful
114). Find the correct antonym for the word - GRATIFY
A). Frank
B). displease
C). Pacify
D). Indulge
115). Find the correct antonym for the word - EXHILARATE
A). Royalty
B). Sympathy
C). Depress
D). Defect

116). Find the correct antonym for the word - ADMONISH
A). Threaten
B). Praise
C). Appeal
D). Support
117). Find the correct antonym for the word - DELETERIOUS
A). Morose
B). Devious
C). harmless
D). Remorseful
118). Find the correct antonym for the word - YOB
A). Annoyed
B). Intelligent
C). Humble
D). Aggressive
119). Find the correct antonym for the word - ABRADE
A). Smooth
B). Attach
C). Wear Off
D). Twist
120). Find the correct antonym for the word - Reveal
A). Open
B). Expose
C). Declare
D). Conceal
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