General English-Test-15 Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
      1. General English-Test-1
      2. General English-Test-2
      3. General English-Test-3
      4. General English-Test-4
      5. General English-Test-5
      6. General English-Test-6
      7. General English-Test-7
      8. General English-Test-8
      9. General English-Test-9
      10. General English-Test-10
      11. General English-Test-11
      12. General English-Test-12
      13. General English-Test-13
      14. General English-Test-14
      15. General English-Test-15
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
51). Find the sentence from options given, which is in proper Reported Speech form
A). He told Sheela that if she were in town the day before
B). He asked Rehim that when did I intend paying him back
C). He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match
D). He asked me where I had get this interesting novel from
52). Fill in the blanks with suitable articles : _______ Woodcock flies from _______ Himalayas to _______ Nilgiris without _______ pause.
A). a, the, a, the
B). the, the, a, the
C). a, the, the, the
D). the, the, the, a
53). Choose the correct antonyms for the underlined word. Knowledge is an exacting mistress.
A). Contented
B). Demanding
C). Insecure
D). Surplussing
54). Match the sentences in Colum A with Column B and select the correct answer from the options given :
Column A  Column B
a) I lost my purse  1. Compound Sentence
b) A book was written by Meera  2. Active Voice
c) The mountain is very steep and I cannot climb it  3. Complex Sentence
d) Though he is old, he walks quickly  4. Passive Voice

Below codes are given in A B C D order

A). 2 4 1 3
B). 4 1 2 3
C). 1 2 3 4
D). 3 1 2 4
55). Which of the following sentences are in active voice ? I. They sing songs in the assembly. II. A notice was sent by the manager. III.You gave him your pen. lV. He has built a house in his native place.
A). Only I, III and IV are correct
B). Only II, III and IV are correct
C). I, II and III are correct
D). All are correct

56). Find the odd ONE from the following sentences :
A). The sky was darker and the cold was more intense
B). He sat down under a tree adn wept bitterly
C). Inspite of being hot, we managed to work
D). Miriam married and left her father
57). Identify the past perfect tense from the options given below :
A). They came immediately
B). The rain had stopped
C). Rajesh entered the school
D). We called them back
58). Blend the following words and select the correct codes given below:
Column A  Column B
a) handy  1. pen
b) fountain  2. music
c) kilo  3. cam
d) pop  4. gram

Below codes are given in A B C D order

A). 1 4 2 3
B). 4 3 2 1
C). 3 1 4 2
D). 1 2 3 4
59). Identify the gerund form from the options given below :
A). Keeping left is always safe
B). To find fault with others is easy
C). David wants to study Biology
D). He likes to read science fiction
60). Identify the simple sentence from the given options
A). I promised that I will do my best
B). I promised to do my best
C). I will do my best and I promised it
D). I promised so that I will do my best
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