General English-Test-1 Questions and answers

  1. General English
    1. General English Test papers
      1. General English-Test-1
      2. General English-Test-2
      3. General English-Test-3
      4. General English-Test-4
      5. General English-Test-5
      6. General English-Test-6
      7. General English-Test-7
      8. General English-Test-8
      9. General English-Test-9
      10. General English-Test-10
      11. General English-Test-11
      12. General English-Test-12
      13. General English-Test-13
      14. General English-Test-14
      15. General English-Test-15
    2. Antonyms
    3. Synonyms
    4. Idioms and Phrases
    5. Ordering of sentences
    6. Comprehension
81). Identify the option that contains the answer to the question given below : Subhas Chandra Bose was popularly known as ...........
A). Chachaji
B). Babji
C). Netaji
D). Dharamji
82). The mechanic tried to fix the broken 1 only in 2
A). Vane and Vain
B). Wane and Vane
C). Vain and vein
D). Vane and Wane
83). Fill in the blank with suitable phrasal verb : I am exactly like my mother. I think I have ...... her.
A). taken to
B). taken after
C). taken off
D). taken over
84). Fill in the blank with the suitable verb form : I ...... (surf) the net when the explosion occurred.
A). will surf
B). was surfing
C). will be surfing
D). had surfed
85). Match the words in British English under Column A with their equivalents in American English in Column B and Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column A  Column B
a) blind  1. hood
b) bonnet  2. crib
c) purse  3. winow shade
d) cot  4. wallet

Below codes is given in a b c d order

A). 4 1 2 3
B). 3 1 4 2
C). 2 1 4 3
D). 4 2 1 3

86). "A new discovered Treasure .........." The figure of speech employed in this line is
A). Simile
B). Oxymoron
C). Personification
D). Transferred Epithet
87). Match the words under Column A with their synonyms under Column B and. choose the correct code from the options given :
Column A  Column B
a) sturdy  1. insight
b) intutition  2. tempt
c) seduce  3. strange
d) bizzarre  4. strong

Below code is given in a b c d order

A). 4 1 2 3
B). 4 1 3 2
C). 4 2 1 3
D). 1 2 3 4
88). Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of the given passage. Write the code given below : My friend is ........ multi talented person. Last month, he was elected ....... chairman of the Board. Surely he'll be .......... best chairman for he is ......... honest worker.
A). a, the, an, the
B). a, no article, the, an
C). an, no article, a, the
D). no article, an, the, a
89). Select the correct plural form of Oasis
A). None
B). Oaseses
C). Oases
D). Oasies
90). The rhyme scheme of the following lines is ......... 'For Oh, Say the Children, 'We are weary, And we cannot run or leap If we cared for any meadows, it were merely To drop down in them and sleep
A). a a b b
B). a a a b
C). a b a b
D). a b b a
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