Biology Questions and answers

  1. General Science
    1. Assertions and Reasons
    2. Biology
    3. Chemistry
    4. Physics
    5. Inventions
91). The most important requirement for the people of a flood hit area is :
A). small pox vaccination
B). BCG injection
C). inoculation against cholera
D). none of these
92). Which of the following groups contains only antibiotics?
A). Chloromycein, tetramycin, cortisone
B). Penicillin, tetramycin, streptomycin
C). Penicillin, streptomycin, ACTH
D). Sulphanilamide, DNA, penicillin
93). Match the following:
A. BCG Vaccine 1. Malaria
2. BPL Vaccine 2. sore throat
C. Chloroquin 3. Tuberculosis
4. Penicillin 4. Rabies

A). 3 4 1 2
B). 3 4 2 1
C). 3 4 2 1
D). 4 3 2 1
94). Oncogene is responsible for :
B). typhoid
C). malaria
D). cancer
95). Four mineral nutrients required in large quantities by humans are :
A). nitrogen, potassium, manganese and cobalt
B). potassium, copper, manganese and calcium
C). phosphorus, calcium, sodium and magnesium
D). calcium, sulphur, molybdenum and zinc

96). Haemophilia is a hereditary disease carried by :
A). males and expressed by males
B). males and expressed by females
C). females and expressed by males
D). females and expressed by females
97). The combination of foods providing protein quality nearest to that of meat is:
A). Wheat, dal and groundnuts
B). bread and butter
C). sprouted gram and groundnuts
D). groundnuts and jaggery
98). Which of the tailoring statements about AIDS is correct?
A). It does not affect women
B). It generally affects the brain
C). AIDS virus can vary its genetic code outwitting a vaccine
D). all those infected by a blood transfusion get AIDS within five years
99). In the balanced dietaries for a day of an adult working man, weights of food (both superior and inferior) should be in order of :
A). 420 gm and 420 gm respectively
B). 420 gm and 500 gm respectively
C). 600 gm and 420 gm respectively
D). 600 gm and 600 gm respectively
100). Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Tse tse fly - Sleeping sickness
2. Female antopheles mosquito - Malaria
3. Sand fly - Kala azar

A). 1 and 2
B). 2 and 3
C). 1 and 3
D). 1, 2 and 3
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