Biology Questions and answers

  1. General Science
    1. Assertions and Reasons
    2. Biology
    3. Chemistry
    4. Physics
    5. Inventions
81). Which of the following vitamins is synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria?
A). Vitamin B1
B). Vitamin B4
C). Vitamin D
D). Vitamin K
82). Which acid is produced when milk gets sour?
A). Acetic acid
B). Tartaric acid
C). Lactic acid
D). Butyric acid
83). Which of the following vitamins can be synthesised by our body?
1. Vitamin B6
2.Vitamin D
3.Vitamin E
4. Vitamin K

A). 1 and 2
B). 2 and 3
C). 2 and 4
D). 1 and 4
84). Two richest known sources of edible protein are
A). meat and eggs
B). milk and vegetables
C). soya bean and groundnut
D). some algae and other micro-organisms
85). Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Haemoglobin - Transport protein
2. Myosin and acting - Contractile
3. Collagen proteins - structural
4. Gamma globulins - Protective proteins

A). 1, 2 and 4
B). 1, 3 and 4
C). 1, 2 and 3
D). 1, 2, 3 and 4

86). Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage?
A). Carbohydrates
B). Fats
C). Proteins
D). Vitamins
87). Three communicable diseases prevalent in developing countries caused by unsafe drinking water and bad sanitation are :
A). malaria, acute diarrhoea and schistosomiasis
B). rheumatism, malaria and AIDS
C). acute diarrhoea, cancer and gout
D). onchocerciasis, leukaemia and arthritis
88). A woman who weighs 45 kg and whose work involves a lot of physical exertion needs :
A). 2800 calories per day
B). 3000 calories per day
C). 2500 calories per day
D). 3700 calories per day
89). Which of the following vegetable proteins is considered as good as an animal protein?
A). soya bean protein
B). Corn protein
C). Wheat protein
D). Bengal gram protein
90). Carotene in Indian cow's milk causes:
A). creamish white colour
B). yellow colour
C). deep yellow colour
D). no change
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