The area of a rectangle is 4 times of the area of a square. The length of the rectangle is 90 cm and the breadth of the rectangle is 2/3 rd of the side of the square. What is the side of the square?

A) 10 cm

B) 20 cm

C) 15 cm

D) Couldn't be determined

Correct Answer:
C) 15 cm

Description for Correct answer:
Let the side of the square be x.

Breadth of the rectangle =\( \Large \frac{2}{3}x \)

According to the question.

=> \( \Large 90\times 2/3 x = 4x^{2}\)

x = \( \Large 90\times 2/3\times 1/4 \)=15 cm

Part of solved Area and perimeter questions and answers : >> Elementary Mathematics >> Area and perimeter


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