The present population of village P is 2 times the population of village Q an year ago. If after a year, the population of village Q will be 3528 increasing at a constant rate of 20% every year, what is the present population of village P?

A) 4200

B) 3250

C) 4900

D) 4650

E) 3850

Correct Answer:
C) 4900

Description for Correct answer:
An year ago, let the population of village Q = x

Then, the presenet population of village P = 2x

Accordig to question,

\( 3528 = x \times \frac{120}{100} \times \frac{120}{100} \)

\( x = 2450 \)

\( = 2 \times 2450 = 4900 \)

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