Directions (61-65) : Study the table and answer the given questions.
Number of wallets sold by 5 stores during 4 months Stores
Months / Stores  BCDEF
April  6669012545
May  8407881108
June  1006871070

Note : Few values are missing in the table (indicated by -). You are expected to calculate the missing value. If it is required to answer the given question on the basis of the given data and information.

The total number of wallets sold by Store D in March and April together is 35 more than that sold by Store B in April and July together. If the number of wallets sold by Store B in July is 52, what is the number of wallets sold by Store D in April ?

A) 66

B) 62

C) 48

D) 54

E) 56

Correct Answer:
E) 56

Description for Correct answer:
Let the numbers of wallets sold by store D in April = x

According to question,

97 + x = 66 + 52 + 35

x = 118 - 97 => x = 56

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