Two partners invest Rs.125000 and Rs.85000, respectively in a business and agree that 60% of the profit should be divided equally between them and the remaining profit is to be treated as interest on capital. If one partner gets Rs.600 more than the other, find the total profit made in the business.

A) Rs.8800

B) Rs.8885

C) Rs.8995

D) Rs.7875

Correct Answer:
D) Rs.7875

Description for Correct answer:

The difference counts only due to 40% of the profit which was distributed according to their investments.

Let total profit = x.

40% of x is distributed in the ratio,

125000 : 85000 = 25 :17

Share of first partner = 40% of x (\( \Large \frac{25}{25 + 17}\))

= 40% of \( \Large \frac{25x}{42} = \frac{40}{100} \times \frac{17x}{42} = \frac{17x}{105} \)

Now, according to the question

\( \Large \frac{5x}{21} - \frac{17x}{105} = 600 \)

= > \( \Large \frac{x(25 - 17)}{105} = 600 \)

= > x = \( \Large \frac{600 \times 105}{8}=Rs.7875\)

Part of solved Partnership questions and answers : >> Aptitude >> Partnership


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