The volume of a cube is \( \Large 216\ cm^{3} \). The surface area of the cube is.

A) 216 sq.mts.

B) 125 sq. mts.

C) 264 sq. mts.

D) 426 sq. mts.

Correct Answer:
A) 216 sq.mts.

Description for Correct answer:
Volume of the cube = \( \Large 216^{3} \)

\( \Large a^{3} = 216 \)

a = 6 cm

Side of the cube = 6 cm.

The surface are of the cube = \( \Large 6a^{2} \)

=\( \Large 6 \times 6 \times 6 = 216 cm^{2} \)

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