Solution of the equation \( \Large x log^{x^{2}} = log3 \left(x+y\right) \) and \( \Large x^{2}+y^{2} = 65 \) is:

A) x = 8, y = 1

B) x = 1, y = 8

C) (x=8, y=1); (x=1, y=8)

D) none of the above

Correct Answer:
A) x = 8, y = 1

Description for Correct answer:
Given that, \( \Large x^{log}x^{2}=2=log_{3} \left(x+y\right) \)

=> \( \Large x+y=9 \) and \( \Large x^{2}+y^{2}=65 \)

=> \( \Large x=8, y=1 or x=1, y=8 \)

But x ≠ 1

Therefore, x = 8, y = 1

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