General Computer Science Questions and answers

  1. General Computer Science
121). Which of the following can input graphical images and pictures for a computer?
A). Plotter
B). Scanner
C). Mouse
D). Printer
E). Keyboard
122). Which of the following categories would include a keyboard ?
A). Printing Device
B). Output Device
C). Pointing Device
D). Storage Device
E). Input Device
123). For running WINDOW minimum disk free space required is?
A). 8 MB
B). 10 MB
C). 16 MB
D). 32 MB
E). None of these
124). Which of the following printers generates character from a grid?
A). Inkjet
B). Laser
C). Daisy wheel
D). Dot matrix
E). None of these
125). A list of rules for transferring data over a network is called?
A). Protocol
B). Program code
C). Rules
D). Flowchart
E). None of these

126). A table consists of_________
A). Fields and columns
B). Rows and columns
C). Rows and cells
D). All of the above
E). None of these
127). To see the document before the printout is taken, use.......
A). Insert Table
B). Paste
C). Format Painter
D). Cut
E). Print Preview
128). Digital video consists of a series of_____
A). Media clips
B). Captures
C). Frames
D). Pictures
E). none of these
129). Which of the following is the primary task of a NAS server?
A). Login authentication
B). File sharing
C). Internet access
D). E-mail processing
E). none of these
130). If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you are actually performing ...........
A). Upstart
B). upgrade
C). update
D). patch
E). None of these
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