Bus fare between Raipur and Mirpur for one adult is six times the fare for one child. If an adult's bus fare is Rs.114, how much amount will be paid by 4 adults and 5 children together for travelling the same distance?

A) Rs.505

B) Rs.551

C) Rs.572

D) Rs.560

Correct Answer:
B) Rs.551

Description for Correct answer:

Adult fare = Rs.114

According to the question,

Child fare = \( \Large \frac{1}{6} \times \  Adult \  fare \)

\( \Large \frac{1}{6} \times 114 = Rs.19 \)

Therefore, Total amount paid by 4 adults and 5 childrens are for the same distance

= Rs.\( \Large 4 \times 114 + 5 \times 19 \)

= Rs. \( \Large \left(456 + 95\right) = Rs.551 \)

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