Sum of first 15 multiples of 8 is

A) 960

B) 660

C) 1200

D) 1060

Correct Answer:
A) 960

Description for Correct answer:
First 15 multiple of 8 are

8, 16, 24,....., 120

So, 8 (1, 2, 3, 4,.....,15) + 1

Their sum = 8 \( \Large \left[ \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \right] \)

=8 \( \Large \left[ \frac{15(15+1)}{2} \right] \)

= \( \Large 8\times 15\times 8 \)=960

Part of solved Number System questions and answers : >> Aptitude >> Number System


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