Current Affairs-March-2019(II)

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India current Affairs

1. AAHAR is a fair held in NewDelhi for

2. Who is the defence minister of India?

3. Gallantry awards for armed forces is given

4. Festival of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019 is held at

5. The strength of Lok Sabha in India is

6. Padma awards were awarded for fields of activities or disciplines where __________is involved.

7. Olympics World Games 2019 is held at

8. How many countries are participating and observing in Olympic World Games 2019?

9. Which country would soon launch public buses exclusively for females in order to curb the rising complaints of sexual harassment on public transport?

10. Which organization is necessary for handling global terrorism?

11. The India Pavilion at London Book Fair focused on collected works of ______________ owing to his 150th birth anniversary.

12. Idai cyclone affected

13. A new solar powered system was developed in University of Texas for creating

14. The Boeing 737 aircraft crash killed 157 people on board in

15. A blood disorder that causes protein crystals to form inside red blood cells .
World Affaris

16. The first ever Disney song to top the Billboard Hot 100.

17. Who is the You Tube Director of Product Management for Music Products ?

18. IoT India Congress to explore business opportunities is planned to be held at

19. The two corridoers Metro project was approved in ____________for a length of __.

20. WPI stands for