CDSE General English(1)

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Directions (Q.1-25): In this section, you are required to spot errors in sentences. Each sentence is divided into three parts. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any of the parts. No sentence has more than one error. Some of the sentences do not have any error: When you find an error in a sentence, the letter indicated under that part of the sentence is the answer and therefore the same may be marked on the separate Answer Sheet. If there is no error in any part, then (D)which stands for “No error” is the answer for the item. 

1. He went to England to work as a doctor(a)/but returned back (b)/as he could not endure the weather there (c)/No error (d)

2. She inquired/ whether(a)/ anyone(b)/ has seen her baby.(c)/ No error(d)

3. When I went(a)/ outdoor(b)/ I found frost everywhere.(c)/ No error(d)

4. These are(a)/ his(b)/ conclusion remarks.(c)/ No error(d)

5. The shopkeeper/ either offered to exchange(a)/the goods(b)/ or refund the money.(c)/ No error(d)

6. Churchill was(a)/ one of the greatest(b)/ war leaders.(c)/No error((d)

7. We should keep(a)/ such people(b)/at an arm's length.(c)/ No error(d)

8. He did not know(a)/ as much as(b)/ he claimed he knew.(c)/ No error(d)

9. That was very dangerous:(a)/ you might(b)/ have been killed.(c)/ No error(d)

10. My friend(a)/ is going(b)/ to a movie every week.(c)/ No error(d)

11. They sit(a)/ at the window(b)/ and watch the traffic(c)/ No error(d)

12. I started early(a)/ for the station lest(b)/ I should not miss the train.(c)/ No error(d)

13. I wanted to see(a)/ that whether they(b)/ had actually read the notes.(c)/ No error(d)

14. They made him treasurer (a)/because they considered (b)/ him as honest and efficient(c)/No error

15. Having finished the paper early(a)/ he came out of the hall(b)/almost an hour before the bell rang.(c)/ No error (d)

16. The(a)/ young man(b)/ had no manner.(c)/ No error(d)

17. No news(a)/ are(b)/ good news.(c)/ No error(d)

18. The work involved(a)/ is almost impossible(b)/to cope with(c)/ No error(d)

19. There is(a)/ no place(b)/ in this compartment.(c)/ No error(d)

20. Shakespeare(a)/ is greater than(b)/ any poet.(c)/ No error (d)

21. I should(a)/ have preferred(b)/ to go by myself.(c)/ No error(d)

22. The minister announced(a)/ compensation for(b)/ the victims from the accident.(c)/ No error (d)

23. The Australian team(a)/ losed the match(b) /yesterday.(c)/ No error (d)

24. He told us(a)/ that(b)/ he has not read the book.(c)/ No error(d)

25. The composition contained(a)/ even no less(b)/ than twenty mistakes.(c)/ No error (d)

Directions(Q.26-37): Each item in this section consists of a word in capital letters followed by four words or phrases as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Select the word or phrase which is most nearly the same in meaning as the original word and mark the correct response as (a), (b), (c) or (d) as the case may be, in your Answer Sheet.












37. TRIP

Directions (Q.38-45) : Each item in this section consists of a word in capital letters followed by four words as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Select the word which is nearly opposite to the meaning of the original word and mark the correct response as (a),(b),(c) or (d)as the case may be, in your Answer Sheet. 


39. DENY







PASSAGE I(46-49) : Answer the questions based on the given passage.
During the summer I was introduced to the game of Cricket, and I felt my inherent foreignness for the first time. The ball is far too hard for my taste. Even during my last games at the school, angry spectators would shout, “Butter fingers !" But I smiled. Everyone knew in their hearts that I was going to drop the ball anyway, and nobody expected me to be able to play the game. 

46. The author first played cricket

47. 'felt my inherent foreignness' means

48. Spectators would shout 'Butter fingers' who the author was playing because

49. 'Spectator' means

PASSAGE II(Q50-52): Answer the questions based on the given passage.
How can you improve your reading speed? By taking off the brakes. You wouldn’t think of driving a car with the brake on. Yet as a reader you probably have several brakes slowing you down. One very common brake is regressing-looldng back every now and-then at something already read. It is like stepping backwards every few metres as you walk-hardly the way to move ahead quickly. Regression may arise from a lack of confidence, vocabulary deficiency, or actually missing a word or phrase. It makes a long sentence seem even more complex as the eyes frequently regress. Eye movement photographs of 12,000 readers in America showed that university students regress an average of 15 times in reading only 100 words. The average student of class four was found to look back 20 times. In short, regression consumes one-sixth of your precious reading time. Release this brake and enjoy a spurt in reading speed.

50. In the context of the passage, what does 'regression' mean?

51. in order to be a good reader you should

52. According to the author reading with regression is like

PASSAGE III(Q53-56): Answer the questions based on the given passage.
Even in the most primitive societies the great majority of people satisfy a large 'part of their material needs by exchanging goods and services. Very few people indeed can make for themselves everything they need-all their food, their clothes, their housing, their tools. Ever since men started living in communities, they have been satisfying their needs by means of specialization and exchange; increasingly each individual has concentrated on what he can do best, and has produced more of the special goods or services in which he has concentrated, than he can consume himself. The surplus he has exchanged with other members of the community, acquiring, in exchange the things he needs that others have produced. 

53. Very few people can satisfy their needs today by

54. Exchange of goods becomes possible only when

55. Specialization and exchange began when men started

56. Exchange of goods and services becomes necessary because

PASSAGE IV(Q57-61): Answer the questions based on the given passage.
Soil scientists have shown that the soil teems with millions of living things, many of them useful, others harmful. The living things which are useful include earthworms and various kinds of bacteria. Earthworms loosen the soil and so enable air and water to enter it. Bacteria, which are microscopic living things break down dead plants and animals and make humus, or take nitrogen from the air and change it into substances that plants use. The living things that do harm include other bacteria and fungi which cause diseases. Other harmful things are pests such as wire worms which feed on the roots of grass and other plants. While the farmer can usually keep weeds in check by careful cultivation, this alone may not protect his crops from insects, pests and diseases. Nowadays, however, he is much better able to control these enemies. He may plant specially resistant types of seeds or he may keep the pests and diseases in check with chemicals. With better seeds farmers have been able to increase their crop yields. They can grow crops that ripen more quickly and have a stronger resistance to disease, frost or drought. 

57. Scientists who study soil believe that

58. The living things that do harm

59. Farmers are always careful

60. Nowadays it is possible to reduce the loss caused by pests and harmful bacteria

61. The farmers today can also select seeds

Directions (Q.62-81): Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the underlined part. If one of them is better than the underlined part, mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet. If none of the substitutions improve the sentence, mark (d)on the Answer Sheet.

62. I never have and probably never will write good letters.

63. I think his feet are bigger than many boys in town

64. I haven't hardly studied for this examination.

65. As you look across the street,lighted windows can be seen

66. Her sister is a nurse and she intends to be one too

67. He asked forthe cup of tea

68. Several people saw the thief snatch her gold chain.

69. We shall not wait for anyonewho will arrive late

70. We had a hard time in the war

71. He aimed a blow on me

72. He waited for her by dinnertime

73. He does not have the last idea of it.

74. Born of poor, illiterate farm workers, Lincoln rose to become the president of the U.S.A.

75. Gopal is two years older than his brother

76. The editor regretted that he was inable to make use of the article.

77. He walked softly lest he may wake the baby.

78. I look forward to meet you in Delhi

79. I do know where has he gone

80. The teacher taught the students that the moon goes round the earth.

81. This is the boy that I talked to you about

Directions (Q.82-101) :In the following passage at certain points you are given questions numbers with choice of three words, choose one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word. Mark the letter (a),(b)or (c)relating to this word on your Answer Sheet.
We know that the average depth of the sea is about two and a half miles, but in a few places it is very deep indeed-over six miles. The air presses upon our bodies with a weight of about fifteen pounds to the square inch at __82__ We are used to this air pressure and __83__ not notice it. In the sea this __84__is doubled at a depth of thirty five feet, and it __85__ at this rate for greater depths. In the great deeps __86__ the philippine Islands, a man would be squeezed and utterly crushed by a pressure of __87__ tons per square inch. The pressure near the ocean floor is __88__ great that if you were to weight a piece of wood and __89__ it to a great depth and then pull it __90__ again it would no longer float, __91__ it would have become waterlogged. All the tiny wood cells __92__ have burst and become filled with water. We __93__ that animals live at a depth of three miles and more and we wonder __94__ this can be. The bodies of animals down __95__ are almost entirely filled with water, and __96__ saves them from being crushed. However, many of __97__ animals contain some gases as well, for __98__ they are captured in nets and drawn __99__ the surface these gases expand so much that the animal __100__ explodes. Its body is torn to shreds as it __101__

82. Choose the best option to fit __ 82 __ from the above paragraph

83. Choose the best option to fit __ 83 __ from the above paragraph

84. Choose the best option to fit __ 84 __ from the above paragraph

85. Choose the best option to fit __ 85 __ from the above paragraph

86. Choose the best option to fit __ 86 __ from the above paragraph

87. Choose the best option to fit __ 87 __ from the above paragraph

88. Choose the best option to fit __ 88 __ from the above paragraph

89. Choose the best option to fit __ 89 __ from the above paragraph

90. Choose the best option to fit __ 90 __ from the above paragraph

91. Choose the best option to fit __ 91 __ from the above paragraph

92. Choose the best option to fit __ 92 __ from the above paragraph

93. Choose the best option to fit __ 93 __ from the above paragraph

94. Choose the best option to fit __ 94 __ from the above paragraph

95. Choose the best option to fit __ 95 __ from the above paragraph

96. Choose the best option to fit __ 96 __ from the above paragraph

97. Choose the best option to fit __ 97 __ from the above paragraph

98. Choose the best option to fit __ 98 __ from the above paragraph

99. Choose the best option to fit __ 99 __ from the above paragraph

100. Choose the best option to fit __ 100 __ from the above paragraph

101. Choose the best option to fit __ 101 __ from the above paragraph

Directions (Q.102-112) :In each of the items there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, R and S, to produce the correct sentence. Choose the correct sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly. 

102. The soldiers/ decided to hold out(p)/ in the fort(Q)/ was killed(R)/ till the last man among them(S)

103. Her friend/ when she(P)/ was very ill last year(Q)/ on Sheila(R)/ could not attend (S)/

104. The poems and stories/ have been taken(P)/ for this book(Q)/ from a variety of sources(R)/ that have been selected (S)/

105. The belief/ that the moon has great influence(P)/still exists with great force(Q)/ over the weather(R)/ among many people(s)/

106. There is an old saying in our country/ that soldiers (P)/ not only cover themselves with glory on the earth (Q)/ who die for their motherland (R)/ but attain heaven (S)

107. Boys are/ on their parents (P)/ invariably dependent (Q)/until they can earn (R)/ money to support themselves (S)

108. The principal said that/ those students(P)/ would not be permitted to enter(Q)/ who do not produce(R)/ identity card (s)

109. The doctor remarked that/ lying in bed(P)/ if students are(Q)/fond of reading(R)/ it will be bad for the eyes(S)

110. We saw /while playing(P)/ with the boys (Q)/ that Ram fell down(R) and hurt his leg(S)

111. For an hour(P)/ because it had to wait(Q)/ due to dense fog(R)/ the plane couldn't take off(S)

112. She complained that/ that it took a month(P)/ to clean it(Q)/ the house(R)/ was so dirty(S)

Directions(Q.113-120): In this section each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S2. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.

113. S1 : There have been many stories of porpoises saving human lives.
S6 : Marine scientists point out that the porpoise's spirit of play is responsible for such incidents.
P : When I got to my feet no one was near, but in the water about 18 feet out a porpoise was leaping about.
Q : One woman was wading waist deep off the Florida coast when an undertow pulled her down.
R : 'I felt something give me a terrific shove up on to the beach',she says.
S : 'A man standing nearby said that the porpoise had shoved me ashore.'
The proper sequence should be

114. S1 : Rome, the greatest city of the ancient world, did not achieve its glory all of a sudden.
S6 : Achievement of great moment cannot be accomplished without patient perseverance and a considerable interval of time.
P : The same is true of every great achievement.
Q : We should carry on our work with patience and perseverance.
R : It took several years to build Rome and bring it to the state of pomp and splendor.
S : When we wish to do a great thing, we cannot expect success in a moment.

115. s1 : The bus stopped.
S6 : Then his eyes rested with cold malice on the dog.
P : The conductor came in and took the fares.
Q : A woman and a man got in together.
R : The young woman was carrying a pet dog.
S : They took their seats.

116. S1 : James Watt used the power of steam to drive machines.
S6 : The jet engine is relatively more recent.
P : With petrol engines people were able to build motor cars and aeroplanes.
Q : Then many years later, the petrol engine was invented.
R : These provided quicker means of travelling.
S : His invention was used later by other clever men to give us the railway engine.

117. S1 : A man handed a pair of trousers to the departmental store clerk and said, I'd like these altered, please.
S6 : Triumphantly he put the trousers and the receipts on the counter and said, 'I'd like to have these altered, please.'
P : He said that free alteration is not possible Without a receipt.
Q : The man said, 'Okay. I'd like to return the trousers.' The clerk took them back and returned the money.
R : The man pushed the money and said, 'Now I want to buy them.' The clerk put the trousers in a bag, issued a receipt and handed him both.
S : The clerk asked for the sales receipt but after searching his pockets the man replied that he had lost it.

118. S1 : It is generally assumed by the admirers of democracy that the right to vote also confers a right for power which threaten the very existence of democracy.
S6 : As a result, the political scene witnesses endless dogfights for power which threaten the very existence of democracy.
P : These qualities are very rare and cannot be had for the wishing.
Q : For the right for power must, if it is to be useful, be accompanied by the ability to exercise it with competence, wisdom, foresight and broad mindedness.
R :Yet all those who have the right to vote believe that they have them and try by book or crook to capture power.
S : The former has much to commend it but one cannot be so sure about the latter.

119. S1 : There are several tribes in East Africa.
S6 : All the other tribes were afraid of them because of their skill in war.
P : The Masais were famous fighters.
Q : They used to raid the neighbouring tribes and carry away their cattle.
R : They lived on the wide plains in Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania.
S : But the most famous among them is the Masai tribe.

120. I had my eye especially on the long jump.S6 : He turned out to be a German named Luz Long.
P : Everyone expected me to win that Olympic event hands down.
Q : I was in for a surprise.
R : When the time came for the long jump trials, I was startled to see a tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps.
S : A year before I had set the world record of 26 feet 3 inches.