Directions (Q. 1-6): Study the given information and answer the questions: 
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement. (All the numbers are two digit numbers.)
Input.    14 36 methodology 21 of research 59 crucial 98 very 62 is
Step I.   98 14 36 methodology 21 of research 59 crucial very is 62
Step II.  98 very 14 36 methodology 21 of 59 crucial is research 62
Step III. 59 98 very 14 methodology 21 of crucial is research 62 36
Step IV.  59 98 very of 14 21 crucial is methodology research 62 36
Step V.   21 59 98 very of crucial is methodology research 62 36 14
Step VI.  21 59 98 very of is crucial methodology research 62 36 14
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps find out the appropriate steps for the given input. 
Input: 65 work in 23 to be 13 89 managed 46 97 load 34 healthy 55 style

How many steps will be required to complete the given arrangement based on the given input?

A) Eight

B) Ten

C) Seven

D) Nine

E) Six

Correct answer:
A) Eight

Description for Correct answer:
Answers (1-6): Numbers get arranged on both ends in odd numbered steps while words get arranged on the inner side in even-numbered steps till a particular pattern is formed. In Step I, the largest no goes on the left end and the second largest on the right end. In step II, .the first word in reverse alphabetical order (ie the last word in alphabetical order) comes on the left (just after the arranged number) and the second word in the reverse alphabetical order goes on the right (just before the arranged number).

In Step III: It is now the turn of numbers. The third largest goes on the left and the fourth largest on the right. Again, in Step IV, it's words. The third word in reverse alphabetical order goes to the left (just alter the arranged numbers and words) and the , fourth goes to the right (just before the arranged ones). And so on, alternately.

Input 65 work in 23 to be 13 89 managed 46 97 load 34 healthy 55 style

Step I: 97 65 work in,23 to be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy 55 style to 89

Step II: 97 work 65 in 23 be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy 55 style to 89

Step III: 65 97 work in 23 be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy style to 89 55

Step IV: 65 97 work style in 23 be 13 46 load 34 healthy managed to 89 55

Step V: 46 65 97 work style in 23 be 13 load healthy managed to 89 55 34

Step VI: 46 65 97 work style load 23 be 13 healthy in managed to 89 55 34

Step VII: 23 46 65 97 work style load be healthy in managed to 89 55 34 13

Step VIII: 23 46 65 97 work style load healthy be in managed to 89 55 34 13

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