A tank has 3 inlets X, Y and Z and 1 outlet. P, Y fills the empty tank in 3 times the time taken by Z to fill the empty tank completely. X fills the empty tank completely in 1.5 times the time taken by Y to fill the empty tank completely. Also, Z fills the empty tank completely in half the time taken by P to empty the full tank completely. If the time taken to fill the empty tank completely when all of them are opened simultaneously is \( \Large 3 \frac{15}{19} \) hours. how much time (in hours) will P take to empty the full tank completely ?

A) \( \Large 6 \frac{1}{2} \)

B) 6

C) 8

D) 4

Correct answer:
C) 8

Description for Correct answer:
Let time taken by pipe Z in filling the empty tank = x hours

\( \Large \therefore \) Time taken by Y = 3x hours

\( \Large \therefore \) Time taken by X

=> \( \Large (\frac{3}{2} \times 3x) \ hours \)

= \( \Large \frac{9x}{2} \ hours \)

Time taken by P in emptying the full tank = 2x hours

According to the question,

\( \Large \frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{3x} + \frac{2}{9x} - \frac{1}{2x} = \frac{19}{72} \)

=> \( \Large \frac{18 + 6 + 4 - 9}{18x} = \frac{19}{72} \)

=> \( \Large \frac{19}{18x} = \frac{19}{72} => 18x = 72 \)

=> \( \Large x = \frac{72}{18} = 4 \ hours \)

\( \Large \therefore \) Time taken by P in emptying the tank = 8 hours

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