In the following question two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and Give answer

I. 4x + 2y = 51

II. 15y + 13x =221

A) x > y

B) x \( \Large \leq \) y

C) x < y

D) x \( \Large \geq \) y

Correct answer:
A) x > y

Description for Correct answer:
I. 4x + 2y = 51

II. 13x + 15y = 221

Multiplying equation I by 15 and II by 2 and by I - II,

\( \Large 60x + 30y = 765 \) -- (1)
\( \Large -26x \pm 30y = -442 \) --(2)
\( \Large => 34x = 323 \)

=> x = \( \Large \frac{323}{34} \) = 9.5

From equation I,

4 \( \Large \times \) 9.5 + 2y = 51

=> 38 + 2y = 51

=> 2y = 51 - 38

=> y = \( \Large \frac{13}{2} \) = 6.5

Clearly, x > y

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