At present Meena is eight times her daughter's age. 8 yr from now, the ratio of the ages of Meena and her daughter will be 10 : 3, respectively. What is Meena's present age?

A) 32 yr

B) 40 yr

C) 36 yr

D) Cannot be determined

Correct answer:
A) 32 yr

Description for Correct answer:
Let age of daughter = x yr

Age of Meena = 8x yr

According to the question,

\( \large\frac{8x + 8}{x + 8} = \frac{10}{3}\)

24x + 24 = 10x + 80
14x = 56
x = 4

Hence, Meena's present age = 4 x 8 = 32 yr

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