In a class 42 students passed in Physics, 50 students passed in Chemistry and 50 students passed in Mathematics 26 students were passed in Physics and Chemistry, 24 students passed in Chemistry and Mathematics and 23 students were passed in Physics and Mathematics. If 11 students were passed in all the subjects, find the number of students appeared for the examination.

A) 80

B) 60

C) 70

D) 90

Correct answer:
A) 80

Description for Correct answer:

Number of students passed in Physics = 42

Number of students passed in Chemistry = 50

Number of students passed in Mathekatics = 50

Number of students passed in Physics+Chemistry = 26

Number of students passed in Chemistry+Mathematis = 24

Number of students passed in Mathematics+Physics = 23

Number of students passed in all three subjects = 11

Number of students passed in Physics only = 42 - (12+11+15) = 42 - 38 = 4

Number of students passed Mathematics only = 50 - (12+11+13) = 50 - 36 = 14

Total Number of students in the class = 4+15+11+13+11+14+15 = 80

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