At what time between 6 and 7 are the hands of a clock coincide.

A) \( \Large 31\frac{8}{11} \)minutes past 6

B) \( \Large 32\frac{8}{11} \)minutes past 6

C) \( \Large 30\frac{8}{11} \)minutes past 6

D) 30 minutes past 6

Correct answer:
B) \( \Large 32\frac{8}{11} \)minutes past 6

Description for Correct answer:
In order to coincide the minute hand has to gain 30 minutes space. Now 55 minutes are gained by minute hand in 60 minutes.

30 minutes will be gained in = \( \Large \frac{60}{55} \times 30=\frac{36}{11} \) = \( \Large 32\frac{8}{11} \) minutes.

So the hands will coincide \( \Large 32\frac{8}{11} \) minutes past 6.

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