Two pipes X and Y can fill a cistern in 6 and 7 min, respectively. Starting with pipe X, both the pipes are opened alternately, each for 1 min. In what time will they fill the cistern?

A) \( \Large 6\frac{2}{7} \)

B) \( \Large 6\frac{3}{7} \)

C) \( \Large 6\frac{5}{7} \)

D) \( \Large 6\frac{1}{7} \)

Correct answer:
B) \( \Large 6\frac{3}{7} \)

Description for Correct answer:
Part filled by X in 1st min and Y in the 2nd min

= \( \Large \left(\frac{1}{6}+\frac{1}{7}\right) = \frac{13}{42} \)

Part filled by (X+Y) working alternately in 6 min

= \( \Large \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{13}{42} \times 6 = \frac{13}{14} \)

Therefore, Remaining part = \( \Large 1 - \frac{13}{14}=\frac{1}{14} \)

Now, it is the turn of x, one-sixth part is filled in 1 min. One-fourteenth part is filled in \( \Large \left(6 \times \frac{1}{14}\right) \) min = \( \Large \frac{3}{7} \)min

Therefore, Required time = \( \Large \left(6 + \frac{3}{7}\right) = 6\frac{3}{7} \) min

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