An outlet pipe can empty a cistern in 30 min, then what part of the cistern will it empty in 1 min?

A) \( \Large \frac{1}{20} \)

B) \( \Large \frac{1}{15} \)

C) \( \Large \frac{1}{30} \)

D) \( \Large \frac{1}{18} \)

Correct answer:
C) \( \Large \frac{1}{30} \)

Description for Correct answer:
We know that, when a pipe empties a cistern in 'n' min, then the part emptied by the pipe in 1 min = \( \Large \frac{1}{n} \)

Here, n = 30

Therefore, Required part of the tank emptied in 1 min = \( \Large \frac{1}{30} \)part

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