Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 45 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. They are kept open simultaneously and after some time pipe A was switched off. Pipe B fills the rest of the tank in 23 minutes after pipe A was switched off. How long was pipe A kept open?

A) 5 minutes

B) 8 minutes

C) 6 minutes

D) 9 minutes

Correct answer:
D) 9 minutes

Description for Correct answer:
B alone can fill the tank in 40 mins., so if it works for 23 min it will fill \( \Large \frac{23}{40} \)th of the tank.

Remaining \( \Large \frac{17}{40} \)th of the tank has to be filled by A and B in

= \( \Large \frac{17}{40} \left[ \frac{45 \times 40}{45 + 40} \right] = \frac{17}{40} \times \frac{360}{17} \) = 9 min.

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