A pipe normally takes B hours to fill a tank. However, due to a crack at the bottom it takes 2 more hours. How long will the crack at the bottom of the tank take to empty a full tank when the fill pipe is kept shut?

A) 20 Hrs.

B) 36 Hrs.

C) 40 Hrs.

D) 48 Hrs.

Correct answer:
C) 40 Hrs.

Description for Correct answer:
In 1 hour, the pipe will fill \( \Large \frac{1}{8} \)th of the tank.

On account of leak in 1 hour it is able to fill only \( \Large \frac{1}{10} \)th of the tank

\( \Large \frac{1}{A}-\frac{1}{B}=\frac{1}{10}\ or\ \frac{1}{8}-\frac{1}{B}=\frac{1}{10}\ or\ B = 40 Hr. \)

Therefore, the leak at the bottom will take 40 hrs to empty the tank.

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