A cube has each edge 2 cm and a cuboid is 1 cm long, 2 cm wide and 3 cm high. The paint in a certain container is sufficient to paint an area equal to 54 \( \Large cm^{2} \). Which one of the following is correct?

A) Both cube and cuboid can be painted

B) Only cube can be painted

C) Only cuboid can be painted

D) Neither cube nor cuboid can be painted

Correct answer:
A) Both cube and cuboid can be painted

Description for Correct answer:

Surface area of cube which can be painted = \( \Large 6 \left(Side\right)^{2} = 6 \left(2\right)^{2} = 2 cm^{2} \)

Now. surface area of cuboid which can be painted

\( \Large 2 \times \left(lb+bh+lh\right) \)

\( \Large 2 \left(2+6+3\right) = 22 cm^{2} \)

Total surface area of both cube and cuboid

= \( \Large 22 + 24 = 46 cm^{2} < 54 cm^{2} \)

Therefore, both cube and cuboid can be painted.

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