The surface area of a cube is 726 sq cm. Find the volume of the cube.

A) 1331 \( \Large cm^{3} \)

B) 1232 \( \Large cm^{3} \)

C) 1626 \( \Large cm^{3} \)

D) 1836 \( \Large cm^{3} \)

Correct answer:
A) 1331 \( \Large cm^{3} \)

Description for Correct answer:

According to the question,

\( \Large 6a^{2} = 726 \) [a = edge of the cube]

=>\( \Large a^{2} = \frac{726}{6} = 121 \)

Therefore, \( \Large a = \sqrt{121} = 11 cm \)

Therefore, Required volume =

\( \Large a^{3} = 11^{3} = 1331 cm^{3} \)

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