If the volume of a cube is 729 cu. cm. what is the length of its diagonal?

A) \( \Large 9\sqrt{2} cm \)

B) \( \Large 9\sqrt{3} cm \)

C) 18 cm

D) \( \Large 18\sqrt{3} cm \)

Correct answer:
B) \( \Large 9\sqrt{3} cm \)

Description for Correct answer:
Volume of cube = \( \Large Side^{3} \)

Therefore, 729 = \( \Large a^{3} \) => a = 9 cm

Therefore, Diagonal of cube = \( \Large Side \times \sqrt{3} \)

\( \Large 9 \times \sqrt{3} \)

\( \Large 9\sqrt{3} \) cm .

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