The number obtained by interchanging the digits of a two-digit number is more than the original number by 27 and the sum of the digits is 13. What is the original number?

A) 58

B) 67

C) 76

D) 85

Correct answer:
A) 58

Description for Correct answer:

Let the ten's-digit = x and unit's digit = Y

Therefore, The original number = 10x + y

After interchanging the digits

New number = 10y + x

Now, according to the question,

\( \Large \left(10y + x\right) - \left(10x + y\right) = 27 \)

=> 9y - 9 x = 27

=> y - x = 3 ...(i)

and y + x = 13 ...(ii)

On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

7 = 8 and x = 5

Therefore, Required number

\( \Large = 10 \times 5 + 8 = 58 \)

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