The distance between two stations P and Q is 145 km. A train with speed of 25 km/h leaves station at 8:00 am towards station Q. Another train with speed of 35 km/h leaves station Q at 9:00 am towards station P. Then, at what time both trains meet?

A) 10:00 AM

B) 11:00 AM

C) 12:00 AM

D) 11:30 AM

Correct answer:
B) 11:00 AM

Description for Correct answer:
First train leaves at 8:00 am and second at 9:00 am.

So, first train i.e., from P to Q has covered 25 km distance in 1 h.

So, distance left between the station = 145 - 25 = 120 km.

Now, trains are travelling in opposite directions.

So, relative speed = 25 + 35 = 60 km/h

Time taken to cover 120 km = \( \Large \frac{120}{60} \) = 2 h

Thererfore, The time, at which both the trains will meet,

is 2 h after second train left, i.e., 9:00 am = 2 h = 11:00 am.

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