Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/h and 36 km/h. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 s. The length of each train is

A) 82 m

B) 50 m

C) 80 m

D) 72 m

Correct answer:
B) 50 m

Description for Correct answer:

Let the length of each train be x m.

Relative speed = 46 - 36 = 10 km/h

= \( \Large \frac{10 \times 5}{18} \) m/s = \( \Large \frac{25}{9} \) m/s

\( \Large \frac{Sum \  of \  length \  of \  train}{Relative \  speed \  of \  train} = Time \ taken \)

Therefore, \( \Large \frac{2x}{\frac{25}{9}} = 36 => 2x = \frac{36 \times 25}{9} = 100 \)

Therefore, x = 50 m

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