Average Questions and answers

  1. Aptitude
    1. Compound interest
    2. Boat and Stream
    3. Trains
    4. Percentage
    5. Discount
    6. Mixture and Allegation
    7. Unitary Method
    8. Work and Wages
    9. Pipes and Cisterns
    10. Linear Equations
    11. Approximation
    12. Word problems
    13. Number System
    14. Time and Distance
    15. Average
    16. Ratio and Proportions
    17. Profit and Loss
    18. Partnership
    19. Permutation and combination
    20. Probability
    21. Problem on ages
    22. Time and work
    23. Simple and compound interest
    24. Mensuration
    25. Number series
61). The average of 11 numbers is 36. Out of these 11 numbers, the average of 9 numbers is 34. If the ratio of remaining two numbers is 2 : 3, find out the smaller number.
A). 18
B). 36
C). 54
D). 48
62). The average weight of a class of 15 boys and 10 girls is 38.4 kg. If the average weight of the boys is 40 kg, then what is the average weight of the girls?
A). 36.5 kg
B). 35 kg
C). 36 kg
D). 35.6 kg
63). The mean weight of 150 students in a class is 60 kg. The mean weight of boys is 70 kg and that of girls is 55 kg. What is the number of boys in the class?
A). 50
B). 60
C). 75
D). 100
64). The average monthly income of 4 earning members of a family is Rs.7350. One member passes away and the average monthly income becomes Rs.6500. What was the monthly income of the person, who is no more?
A). Rs.6928
B). Rs.8200
C). Rs.9900
D). Rs.13850
65). The average of 5 consecutive odd positive integers is 9. The least one among them is
A). 5
B). 3
C). 1
D). 7

66). lf 47a + 47b = 5452, What is the average of a and b?
A). 116
B). 23.5
C). 96
D). 58
67). A car travels a certain distance from town A to town B at the speed of 42 km/h and from town B to town A at a speed of 48 km/h. What is the average speed of the car?
A). 45 km/h
B). 46 km/h
C). 44 km/h
D). None of the above
68). The average marks of 120 students are 35. If the average of passed students was 39 and failed students was 15, then find the number of students who have passed.
A). 80
B). 100
C). 120
D). 140
69). A person covers 9 km with a speed of 3 km/h, 25 km with a speed of 5 km/h and 30 km with a speed of 10 km/h. Find out the average speed of person.
A). \( \Large 5\frac{9}{11} \) km/h
B). \( \Large 11\frac{5}{9} \) km/h
C). \( \Large 9\frac{5}{11} \) km/h
D). \( \Large 5\frac{5}{11} \) km/h
70). The average of four positive integers is 73.5. The highest integer is 108 and the lowest integer is 29. The difference between the remaining two integers is 15. Which of the following is the smaller of the remaining two integers?
A). 80
B). 86
C). 73
D). 71
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