Number System Questions and answers

  1. Aptitude
    1. Compound interest
    2. Boat and Stream
    3. Trains
    4. Percentage
    5. Discount
    6. Mixture and Allegation
    7. Unitary Method
    8. Work and Wages
    9. Pipes and Cisterns
    10. Linear Equations
    11. Approximation
    12. Word problems
    13. Number System
    14. Time and Distance
    15. Average
    16. Ratio and Proportions
    17. Profit and Loss
    18. Partnership
    19. Permutation and combination
    20. Probability
    21. Problem on ages
    22. Time and work
    23. Simple and compound interest
    24. Mensuration
    25. Number series
81). Simplest rationalising factor of \( \Large 3\sqrt{75} \)
A). \( \Large \sqrt{3} \)
B). \( \Large \sqrt{5} \)
C). 3
D). 5
82). The value of \( \Large 2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{12} + 5\sqrt{75} \) is
A). \( \Large 4\sqrt{3} \)
B). \( \Large 7\sqrt{5} \)
C). \( \Large 3\sqrt{5} \)
D). \( \Large 21\sqrt{3} \)
83). If y = -1, then value of \( \Large 1 + \frac{1}{y} + \frac{1}{y^{3}} + \frac{1}{y^{5}} \) is
A). -1
B). 1
C). 0
D). -2
84). A square root radical is in simplest form, if
A). there is no fraction in the radicand
B). no perfect square is factor of radicand
C). there is no radical in the denominator
D). all of these
85). For any positive integer \( \Large \sqrt[3]{-n} \) equals
A). \( \Large -n^{3} \)
B). \( \Large -n^{\frac{1}{3}} \)
C). \( \Large n^{-\frac{1}{3}} \)
D). \( \Large \sqrt[-3]{n} \)

86). The least number that must be subtracted from 893304 to get a perfect square, is
A). 9
B). 279
C). 945
D). 1612
87). -28 as compared to 32 is
A). more
B). less
C). not equal
D). equal
88). Reciprocal of \( \Large -\frac{1}{9} \) is
A). \( \Large +\frac{1}{9} \)
B). -9
C). -9
D). \( \Large \left(9\right)^{-1} \)
89). Indian hockey team won 4 more matches, than it lost to Australia. If it won \( \Large \frac{3}{5} \) of its matches, how many matches did India play?
A). 20
B). 16
C). 12
D). 8
90). \( \Large \sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+}}} \).....
A). is greater than 2
B). lies between 1 and 2
C). lies between 0 and 1
D). equals
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